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Condensing the heart to gather strength to practice skills, work together to fight the spring exam - vocational education college entrance examination Department skills training before the exam


In order to better meet the upcoming spring college entrance examination skills examination, the vocational education college entrance examination department carries out pre-exam skills training, and all majors are intensively carrying out practical skills training。

01 Culinary Specialty

In order to improve the skill level of culinary students, culinary teachers have developed a complete test preparation plan and rigorous operational training arrangements。The students carefully operated, trained hard, and actively prepared for war, taking every operation as a real exam, and the whole practical training formed a good learning atmosphere of "comparing, learning, rushing, helping and super"。

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02 Marketing major

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Marketing professional teachers are firmly rooted in the training room, explaining knowledge points and induction, patiently explaining and demonstrating operation skills, timely observing the training situation of students, timely encouraging students' morale, and ensuring that students are effective in preparing for the exam during the training and practice。

03 Nursing

The nursing teachers led the students to practice skills carefully, explain the skill operation in the most concise language, and demonstrate the skill operation process with the most standard movements。Students strictly implement the operation process, grasp the operation steps, hard training, and actively prepare for war。

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04 Pre-school education

Professional organization of preschool education professional teachers scientific guidance and training, adopt the combination of centralized training and individual guidance, centralized simulation and classroom random detection model, accurate training, accurate guidance。

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I hope the students will take advantage of the situation, work hard, meet the exam with a hundred times confidence, excellent skills and good psychological state, and innovate again with excellent results!
